Equities are the same as stocks, which are shares in a company. That means if you buy stocks, you’re buying equities. That means you’re a partial owner of shares in your company..
Cryptocurrencies are digital assets people use as investments and for online purchases. You exchange currency, like dollars, to buy “coins” or “tokens” of a certain kind of cryptocurrency.
Offshore funds are mutual fund schemes investing in international markets. These funds invest in international markets either directly or have the option to invest in other funds in those markets.
Funds management is the overseeing and handling of a financial institution's cash flow. The fund manager ensures that the maturity schedules of the deposits coincide with demand for loans.
Asset management is the practice of increasing total wealth over time by acquiring, maintaining, and trading investments that have the potential to grow in value.
Wealth management is an investment advisory service that combines financial services such as investment advice & estate planning to meet the needs of clients.